Heartfelt spiritual advice for those who see life at the office as a living hell
Book The Art of Happiness at Work
Authors The Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler
Publisher Hodder Mobius
For many people, work is the antithesis of happiness. This problem has baffled some of the brightest minds in human history. How do people find happiness in a place where they are forced to work with others they did not choose to be with, and forced to bear the stresses associated with common things such as taking abuse from colleagues, overtime, lack of resources, and doing repetitive tasks day in and day out?
This point is illustrated early on in The Art of Happiness at Work by the Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler. When the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader was presented with the clinical description that modern workplaces were breeding grounds for inequity, unfairness and stress brought about by the quest for profit, he was also asked how the modern worker could seek inner calmness and satisfaction amid this turmoil.