
In Rainbows Radiohead (CD)

Radiohead made a ruckus in the music industry late last year when the band announced fans could download low-resolution versions of tracks from their new album In Rainbows from their website and pay whatever they liked, with 'free' as an option.

In Rainbows is Radiohead's seventh album but the band's first independent record (they are currently not signed to any record company). The album is mostly made up of moody, mellow acoustic ballads, with a couple of up-tempo guitar tracks.

The CD starts off with Thom Yorke asking, 'How come I end up where I started/How come I end up where I went wrong?' It features a percussive beat that slowly fades and is replaced by a lyre-like guitar and new-age synth. A classic rock number, Bodysnatchers follows. Other standouts include the melancholy Nude and the acoustic Faust Arp.

This is a hugely talented band at the height of its powers.
