Wandering Through Illusions
Multi-media artist Wong Chung-yu's paintings and digital art of landscapes. Today-tomorrow, 11am-7pm, Grotto Fine Art, 2/F, 31C-D Wyndham St, Central. Inquiries: 2121 2270. Ends tomorrow
Daisy in My Lazy Eye
New Zealander Chris Heaphy's paintings reflect his Maori and European ancestry. Sat, 11am-5pm. Mon-Sat, 10.30am-7pm, Plum Blossoms (International), G6, 1 Hollywood Rd, Central. Inquiries: 2521 2189. Ends Oct 18
Surreal Journeys Through the Chinese Landscape
Wei Shaodong's surrealist paintings combine modern technology elements and nature. Opening reception today, 6.30pm-9pm. Mon-Sat, 10am-6.30pm, Sun, 1pm-5pm, Zee Stone Gallery, G/F Yu Yuet Lai Building, 43-55 Wyndham St, Central. Inquiries: 2810 5895. Ends Oct 24