HK Academy 'frustrated' over school site offer in Chai Wan
A row has broken out following the offer of a Chai Wan site to Hong Kong Academy by the government as part of its bid to boost the number of international school places.
The academy's director said the school community had rejected the offer out of 'frustration'.
The Yue Wan Estate site, currently occupied by TWLK Mrs Fung Yiu Hing Memorial Primary School, was offered to the academy last month after it had originally applied for a site in Cheung Man Road, Chai Wan, which the Education Bureau instead gave to French International School.
The controversy comes after the bureau earmarked a number of vacant, soon to be available or green-field sites in March to meet the growing demand for international school places.
Hong Lok Yuen International School was offered a Sha Tau Kok site but two other sites - in Tai Po and Shau Kei Wan - remain unallocated either because of a lack of interest or because proposals failed to meet minimum requirements.
The academy has been looking for a permanent site for eight years. It is currently housed in cramped and temporary conditions in Stubbs Road.
Revealing the academy's decision to reject the site, director Andy Page-Smith said the school was disappointed with the outcome.