YOUR correspondent Mr Stokoe's interpretation of my advocating the banning of certain types of vehicles during rush-hour (South China Morning Post, March 2) either quite deliberately misunderstands what I said, or displays a naivete which is worrying in someone who is supposed to protect us from environmental pollution.
He seems to assume that what I advocated in a previous letter was the banning of all school buses.
What I was advocating, of course, was the staggering of school hours, and therefore the possibility of the banning of school buses during rush-hours.
There is no reason why schools should not start at the latest by 8am. They do so in many other places in the world.
This would mean that all children attending school would be transported before the worst of the rush-hour and school buses therefore would have no need to be on the road between 8.15 am and 10.15 am in the morning.
Similarly, an intelligent staggering of supplies to factories, supermarkets, etc, would make it no great hardship if all trucks over five tonnes, were banned between 8.15am and 10.15am.