
The River Cottage Meat Book

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The River Cottage Meat Book


By Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

Available at and Dymocks.

Although the people at Peta would probably disagree, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall could be called a crusader for animal rights. He speaks (on his River Cottage television pro-grammes) and writes passionately about their right to be raised comfort-ably, killed with as little fear and pain as possible and for their meat to be utilised fully - as well as the cuts found at supermarkets, the offal and extremities should be eaten, he says.

The River Cottage Meat Book is not for the squeamish. There are photos of a cow being killed and quartered; game birds being hung to tenderise the meat and improve the flavour; and close-ups of organ meats such as kidney, heart, liver and 'fries' (which are harvested from male animals). More than 200 pages are dedicated to the meat itself, with chapters on beef and veal, lamb and mutton, pork, poultry, game and offal. If you like meat (and there wouldn't be any reason to buy the book if you don't), his recipes sound appetising and varied and include Jamaican jerk chicken, cassoulet, Lancashire hot pot, devilled kidneys and pork pie.

