HKIEd has no choice but to become a university, says chief
The Hong Kong Institute of Education has no option but to become a university of education, its president said yesterday.
Anthony Cheung Bing-leung was speaking after a media report leaked recommendations by the University Grants Committee's review group on the HKIEd's development blueprint. The report said the HKIEd, a teacher-training institute, was unlikely to qualify for a university title and that it should instead consider merging with other universities or provide multi-disciplinary studies.
Professor Cheung, who is also a member of the Executive Council, said he would not comment or speculate on the situation without the details of the UGC review report.
However, he said the government would decide on whether the institute would qualify for university status and that the UGC group was only there to make a recommendation.
'There is no turning back for us. [Merging with another university] is a very complicated issue which has resulted in many conflicts during past discussions,' Professor Cheung said.
'The only one path for us is to develop ourselves into an education university. No matter what the UGC review report will say, [becoming an education university] is our only option, and the only preferred option'.