Every race has its heroes and one of the biggest cheers of the day came when former policeman Ko Kam-tin crossed the finish line at the end of his 10km. The cheer wasn't just because Ko is nearing 80 - he wouldn't give his exact age but said 80 was 'close enough'- he also raised the bird cage he had carried all the way in celebration. There was that, and there was the transistor radio he had attached to his collar which was still blaring out a local news broadcast as Ko was introduced to the press. 'The radio is so I won't get bored,' he said. 'And the birds give me hope and good luck.'
They weren't real, of course, the birds. 'They would probably die if they were,' Ko said. 'But lots of people like to see the cage and it makes me feel like I am not running alone.' So does the radio - which makes sure Ko doesn't miss a beat. Fitting when you consider Ko's previous employment.
After retiring from the force 20 years ago, Ko has opted for the quiet life. 'I spend most of my time walking trails in the country parks,' he said.