Group of concerned parents want only what is best for GSIS
I read with interest the letter 'Redevelopment plan is necessary to keep GSIS among the best' (Education Post, April 18). Being a member of the group of parents against the move to Ma On Shan I would like to respond.
At no time has this group wanted to impede on the redevelopment of the school. The objection has always been toward decanting the younger children to Ma On Shan and the lack of planning on how this was going to be done.
To that effect the parents have met with the Education Bureau to discuss a different decanting site, had parents who are architects and engineers pour over the building plans of both The Peak and the Pok Fu Lam sites to see what could be done, and have invited the board to utilise the parents' contacts to find a solution or different site (which the board was not interested in pursuing).
The group of opposing parents want GSIS to be the best school in Hong Kong and have no issues with the level of education that is being provided or the means in which it is being provided and applaud the school's forward thinking to its teaching approach.
In respect to the vote - just to set the record straight - all voting members of the school were asked to either attend in person or to send in a proxy. This is the same group of people that get to vote in or out members of the board. The vast majority of voting members were against the move to Ma On Shan and feel there is a better solution.