How should the pet trade be regulated?
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Asia-Pacific supports the proposed grading system for Hong Kong pet shops, but reminds readers that the best way to stop the cruelty rampant in the pet industry is by simply refusing to buy animals, or anything, from pet shops that sell live animals ('Demand to tighten up regulations for pet shops', May 5).
The 'pet' industry treats animals like mere money-making commodities and the animals pay the price. Most animals sold in pet stores come from mass breeding mills, where they are constantly confined in tiny, filthy cages and are deprived of proper nutrition, veterinary care, and attention. Conditions at many pet stores are not much better.
What is more, every time someone buys an animal from a pet store instead of adopting a homeless animal from a shelter, the shelter's animal loses a chance of getting a home and will likely be put down.
Rebecca Chui, campaign co-ordinator, Peta Asia-Pacific
How can we better protect our birds?