by Allen and Sandra Parton
Harper, HK$91
Dog owners may feel pet envy reading about Endal, the labrador that became one of Britain's most famous service dogs before it died in March. Although partially lame, Endal was adopted by Allen Parton, whose injuries suffered in the first Gulf war affected his memory and speech and left him wheelchair-bound. Parton's marriage suffered as he struggled with depression, but when Endal became a part of the family matters began to improve: the dog was a joy to have around and afforded Parton a degree of independence. Understanding more than 100 commands, Endal helped Parton retrieve cash from ATMs, paid his bus fares and helped him shop. He also protected him: when a car knocked Parton out of his wheelchair, Endal made sure he was lying in the recovery position before pulling a blanket over him and running for help. The story, told by Parton and his wife Sandra in alternating chapters, gives different views on how family life changed with Endal and, when the dog grew too old to work, two other dogs. The Partons could have included more advice on canine training, but this is still a book dog lovers will enjoy.