SHKP needs a GPS, or a better proofreader
Strolling along the waterfront in Central during his evening tea break, Ah Pak noticed that the lights were blazing from the upper floors of the International Commerce Centre across the harbour.
With tenants in zone three due to move in this month, the city's tallest building was getting a final touch-up, it seemed.
And talking of touch-ups, Ah Pak wonders if ICC developer Sun Hung Kai Properties plans to touch up the English version of its latest online interim report, which contains some embarrassing gaffes.
Pictured prominently in the report is its ICC development, which it hopes will become the new 'des-res' for office tenants. Trouble is that the building is identified as Two IFC, which means confused tenants due to move into ICC at the end of the month could show up for work at the wrong address. The report may also have analysts scrambling to find out whether SHKP has done a secret deal with the Bank of China, since the bank's towering Central HQ is identified as 'Cullinan I'. Meanwhile, SHKP's Two IFC is identified as 'Cullinan II'. Welcome to the cruel world of publishing. Doctors, it is said, bury their mistakes. Publishers lay them out in full-colour splendour for all to see.
Chuanghui's owner back in the business