Job-seeking graduates urged to add nip and tuck to their CVs
Fresh graduates in Shanghai are being encouraged to go under the knife in order to gain a competitive edge in the job market.
A plastic surgery clinic in the city has been holding promotional events at universities to persuade students that a quick nip and tuck can be as effective in clinching an interview as a clean shirt and smart haircut.
Shanghai Time Plastic Surgery Hospital is even offering special 'student discounts' on everything from beauty treatments to nose jobs.
'We want to do something to help the students in this financial crisis,' said Liao Yuhua, director of the clinic. 'Competition for jobs is tougher than ever this year.'
She said the clinic had been working with career advice centres at several local universities to run briefing sessions and claimed there was strong interest from students. 'We have several students coming in for consultations every single day.'
While most were only looking for beauty treatment, she said some had work done on their noses or chins.
'A girl may have a very pretty face but a large nose,' she said. 'If she has something done to reduce its size a little then she will be even prettier.'