Lawmakers expect the 5.38 per cent salary cut for top-paid civil servants to take effect by the end of the year at the earliest.
The controversial reduction could last for only six months if the government's pay trend survey next year shows positive figures.
A paper to the legislature said a bill to adjust civil service pay would be published in the Government Gazette on Friday and introduced to the Legislative Council on July 8.
The Legco House Committee will decide on July 10 on the setting up of a bills committee to consider the pay adjustment bill.
But no timetable has been announced by the government for the bill's third and final reading. The pay reduction would take effect on the first day of the month following enactment of the legislation.
Legislators said discussion of the bill could only take place after the summer recess. The last weekly meeting of the current session is due to be held on July 8 and the council is expected to resume sitting in October.