How do you encourage teamwork and co-operation in your company?
Teamwork is a core component of our company's success. The most effective teamwork is uniting and distinguishing skills of colleagues and letting them contribute towards the common goals of the company. Another merit of teamwork is the inspiration and creativity achieved through collaboration. We introduced in 2007 an innovative way of training through organising an internal challenge event for all staff in Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou to foster participants' team spirit, strategic thinking and physical endurance. This programme took about three months to complete, but we found the benefits for participants are lifelong.
Rita Hui, general manager of human resources, SmarTone-Vodafone
We expect our associates to be open to new ideas and approaches, and we encourage them to openly share information and good practices to create better synergy and efficiency. The company also invests a lot in automating and simplifying systems and processes to create a supportive platform for team interaction across different business units and countries. To ensure our associates demonstrate such behaviour, we make sure there are appropriate measurements and tracking systems in our human resources processes, including performance reviews, talent reviews, and recruitment and selection. Associates are also constantly reminded of the benefits of teamwork during training and through corporate news updates. It is important at corporate level that management demonstrates leadership and reviews the results.
Fanny Chan, managing director, The Nielsen Company, Hong Kong