A DYE factory worker fell to his death after attacking his boss with a metre-long metal pipe, the Coroner's Court heard yesterday.
Police Constable Li Siu-on said it appeared Choi Ching-tung, 33, fled after attacking foreman Lau Kit, 30, at the Sunrise Finishing Factory in Tuen Mun on August 9.
Constable Li, who investigated the incident, said the barefoot Choi apparently climbed out a first-floor window of the factory, stepped on a hot pipe, and fell.
Choi was rushed to Tuen Mun Hospital, but died two days later.
The jury yesterday delivered an open verdict on the death.
Mr Lau told the court he and colleague Ho Kin-fun, 21, were repairing a machine when Choi struck him once from behind a metal pipe.
''I walked several paces and sat down,'' he said.