City prepared for any swine flu pandemic
I refer to the letter by Sean Niem ('Hong Kong is ill-prepared for new form of swine flu virus', December 4).
Hong Kong has all along prepared for and responded to the human swine influenza pandemic proactively.
We have been closely monitoring the trend and development of the pandemic globally and locally and have been adjusting our control strategy, including various community and boundary- control measures, according to the assessment of the latest situation.
As many individuals in our community remain susceptible to this influenza, vaccination is one of the priority strategies in preparing for the second wave.
Viral mutation is a natural occurring process, and the currently available human swine influenza vaccines confer protection against the recently identified Norwegian mutant virus. Moreover, the World Health Organisation considers human swine flu vaccines to be as safe as the seasonal influenza ones, and the side effects so far reported from many countries are within expectations. The scientific committee under the Centre for Health Protection has also concluded that the benefits of human swine flu vaccination far outweigh the potential risk.
Although we cannot predict fully what the situation will be like in the upcoming weeks, we will intensify publicity and promotion of vaccinations in the coming months, in order to appeal to people who belong to the high-risk group to get vaccinated early to protect themselves as well as our society.