Desert Islands
MAP office (Laurent Gutierrez and Valerie Portefaix)'s depiction of the surface of the sea that looks as if it is reflected from 101 mirrors. Mon-Fri, 10am-8pm, Sat, 2pm-6pm, Goethe-Gallery, Goethe-Institut HK, 14/F HK Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai. Inquiries: 2802 0088. Ends Dec 23
Intimate Reflections
Paintings and installation work by Japanese artist Sanae Takahata on womanhood and femininity. Mon-Sat, 11am-7pm, and by appointment, State-of-the-Arts Gallery, 36 Pottinger St, Central. Inquiries: 2526 1132. Ends Dec 30
Time Travel to 40s Hong Kong
Documentary photographs by Hedda Morrison taken between 1946 and 1947 of Hong Kong's main streets and back alleys, harbour front and countryside. Daily, 10am-6pm, G & 1/F Murray House, Stanley Plaza, Stanley. Inquiries: 2267 4184. Ends Dec 31