2 The T-Shirt Store has opened its first outlet in Hong Kong. The tees feature the Swedish company's custom designs and are made from certified ecological cotton. Choose from a line of colourful basics and printed tees. Standouts include the CMYK (pictured; HK$300) and the Ken Fujimoto-designed winter rose (HK$300), inspired by the work of Stephen Sprouse. New designs are expected to arrive each week. The T-Shirt Store is at 4/F, iSquare, 63 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui (tel: 2682 3687).
3 Fashion disasters can be a thing of the past thanks to a Fashion First Aid range of accessories that boost, conceal and support the body, allowing you to wear the most daring of outfits. Try the Boostits (HK$490) medical grade silicone bra inserts or the Underwhere? (HK$190) seamless boy shorts and thongs in black, nude and pink. Available at Lane Crawford, IFC Mall, Central, tel: 2118 3388.