What is the outlook for OneAsia in 2010?
A: 2010 is looking to be a breakout year, one which is already exceeding our expectations. We've confirmed 11 events, all at over US$1 million, and this growth will continue with several significant announcements expected in the following months. Looking towards 2011, we hope to expand the tour to 17 to 20 tournaments, all at over US$1 million. And in the longer term, this may expand to 25 to 30 tournaments in a season.
Q: What were your goals when you launched in 2009, and how will you achieve them?
A: Our vision has always been to create an elite tournament platform and centralised pathway for professionals which the leading players from all the different regional tours could feed into. The purpose is to provide a regional alternative to the European Tour and PGA Tour right here in Asia-Pacific, so we retain the best talent and not force players to take their career to the US or Europe. Creating an elite platform which can stand legitimately beside the PGA Tour/European Tour is the ultimate goal, and we not only continue to grow and develop additional high-level opportunities for leading golfers, but are constantly engaging more golf administrations and tours from across Asia to increase the representative scope of our pathway.
Q: Does Asia have room for two governing bodies (with the Asian Tour)?
A: Across the Asia-Pacific region there are several established, successful tours that have contributed, and continue to contribute, to the development of our leading golfers - this includes the Japan Golf Tour, the Asian Tour, the Korean Golf Tour, the PGA Tour of Australasia, the China Golf Tour, the Professional Golf Tour of India, the Asean Tour - the list goes on. There are already several very important governing bodies operating in the region and this list does not include the European Tour, which until now has been responsible for some of Asia's biggest events. Along with the Asian Tour, each of the existing tours in the region remain absolutely critical to the development of golf and in identifying the region's next champions. OneAsia does not intend to compete with, compromise or conflict with the operation of any of these tours. Something that has been missed in the debate is that OneAsia is not seeking to recreate what is already there.