The Hong Kong Journalists Association, dedicated to the defence of press freedom and the right to free speech, constantly claims that the space for these freedoms has been narrowing since the handover.
There is some truth in that, but the responsibility doesn't rest with the government, which has no power to manipulate the media.
It is the conglomerates that have been 'recruiting' media outlets as a form of political insurance, prompting ubiquitous and invisible self-censorship.
The fact that many have 'monopolised' some bigger and older media organisations has prompted the rise of new forms of media such as the internet and citizen radio. Online radio is not regulated under the Broadcasting Authority Ordinance, and thus allows the boundaries of free speech to expand.
No wonder Commercial Radio pulled the plug on bidding for a digital audio broadcasting licence and decided to invest in interactive digital broadcasting on the internet.
The rise of new media has given consumers new choices. So we can say with confidence that our media landscape has expanded to facilitate more press freedom and freedom of expression.