
Just in case you missed it

Usher's latest two-disc album, Raymond V Raymond: Deluxe Edition. is a compilation of his last album Raymond V Raymond and his EP Versus.

Of the 23 tracks on this edition, There Goes My Baby is perhaps the most affecting. Though it is sung gently over a simple melody, it is easy to sense the passion of a man for the girl he loves: 'There goes my baby / You don't know how good it feels to call you my girl'. The lyrics are concise and direct, and it appears that Usher is explaining what love should be like - people in love should understand each other without complications.

He goes to the opposite extreme in Foolin' Around, effectively conveying his distress. He is begging for his partner's forgiveness, because he has betrayed her. We feel pity as he sings 'You deserve more / You deserve so much more / Than what I'll ever be', knowing that he loves her so much but can't stop himself from hurting her.

Somebody to Love features flavour of the year (and Usher's protege) Justin Bieber. The song is a a chance to compare their singing styles. It's clear Bieber has a way to go before he can emote as well as his mentor.

As long-acknowledged R&B royalty, Usher will sell plenty of copies of this deluxe edition. It's just a shame it's nothing more than a money-spinning release.
