Should foreigners be banned from buying property in Hong Kong as a way to cool the market?
Ronald Ling Pak-ki, 20, University of Hong Kong
The local property market is really getting out of control these days. Limited land supply and a huge demand for luxury flats have led to a drastic increase in property prices.
The market must be cooled down before the bubble bursts. Hong Kong had a painful experience when property prices crashed following the Asian financial crisis in 1998.
At the moment, the government is reluctant to increase the land supply. So, if it wants to improve the current situation, banning foreigners from buying property in Hong Kong is one way to do it.
It is believed that foreigners, especially mainlanders, have contributed to the high demand for flats. As they do not have right of abode, they buy property simply as an investment. They aim to make a profit by renting out the flats or selling them. This could have an adverse affect on the local property market. If this 'abnormal' demand was removed, the market would cool down considerably.
On the other hand, I admit such a ban could tarnish Hong Kong's image as an international city built on free-market principles.
However, the local property market could collapse unless action is taken immediately.