
The Cove (film)

If the Japanese government had their way, what happens at the cove would stay at the cove.

Luckily, dolphin conservationist Richard O'Barry and an elite team of activists will stop at almost nothing to expose the annual slaughtering of dolphins at the cove in Taiji, Japan.

Directed by Louie Psihoyos, a member of the team, the documentary The Cove presents the atrocities that take place there - 20,000 dolphins are slaughtered each year.

The film also outlines the massive conspiracy behind the dolphin trade, which is perpetuated by the Japanese government's fear that dolphins will one day wipe out fish intended for human consumption.

The team planted hidden cameras in and around the cove to record the activities. Sound-capturing devices were placed on the ocean floor to capture the dolphins' squealing.

The film does a great job of arousing our sympathy by giving dolphins a human touch. Viewers can't help but pity the poor creatures. The narrator stresses throughout that dolphins have a self-consciousness similar to humans. Lingering shots of the crimson waters, after a day of slaughtering, are meant to shock you into doing something about the issue.

Contains disturbing scenes
