THE Acer Group - one of the world's largest PC manufacturers - will be using Computer Expo '94 to present its leading products.
A spokesman for Acer Computer (Far East) said: ''[The trade show is] the biggest of its kind and is the most important annual event in the computing industry.'' The international Acer Group has been ranked as the 13th largest PC maker in the world and a leader in networked multiuser solutions.
The group has an organisation with 66 branch offices in 21 countries and a network of more than 100 distributors and 10,000 dealers in 70 countries.
Among the products on show at Computer Expo '94 will be the AcerPower 486/e which the firm claims is the ''most up-to-date EISA (extended industry standard architecture) computer'' available and which can run on the latest top-end Intel processor, DX4/100 and Pentium 90.
Acer said it was the only desktop EISA machine on the market today which offered the option that it could be upgraded.
The group claims that because of the high-performance VESA Local-bus design and two 32-bit VESA local-bus slots, the AcerPower 486 Series and AcerPower 486 VESA Series help to carry on the AcerPower tradition of providing the best performance.