THIS cholera scare has done strange things to advertising strategies in the territory.
The PR man from Harry Ramsden's called us yesterday, just to tell us that his fish were not fresh.
''Our fish are caught from deep waters near Iceland and Norway. They're frozen so quickly after being caught that they sometimes wriggle when we defrost them. They're delicious, but not fresh.'' Meanwhile, the execs down at the Regent are feeling a bit smug, having installed a hi-tech tank in their Yu restaurant a year ago, which mixes drinking water with Red Sea salt for an uncontaminated pseudo-marine environment.
''The fish always look a bit dazed after they've been flown in from Thailand and the Philippines,'' PR man Tim Cummings explained.
''But they usually settle down after a few hours in the ultraviolet tank.'' Perhaps the restaurant should be renamed ''Yu Vee''.