WE'RE thinking of running against Samuel Wong in next year's race for the Engineering functional constituency.
Our platform? Tradable ''death quotas'' for the Hong Kong construction industry, like the ones allocated by China's Coal Ministry to its most productive pits to maximise efficiency.
Dr Wong told us he would definitely not be including it in his election manifesto. But UDHK infrastructure spokesman Albert Chan thought the big contractors would welcome the policy.
Let's say for instance the Government exceeds its quota for workers killed on the Tsing Ma Bridge. It could turn to Gammon and ask if it had any unused deaths left for the current quarter and how much it would be prepared to sell them for.
We foresee a lucrative business in death quota futures on the commodity markets too. It's probably only a matter of time before we see Shenzhen take the lead internationally by opening a dedicated industrial accident quota exchange.
''More deadly than trading in pork bellies,'' quipped a broker friend of ours.