I LIVE in Tai Po and was recently cycling home from Monkey Mountain along the paths to Shing Mun Reservoir, fully enjoying the wonderful work that the Government has done in providing great hiking facilities for the public to enjoy.
However, when arriving at Shing Mun Country Park I was told that cyclists are not allowed in the park, and I was not even allowed to walk with my bike so that I could get home. Instead I was told that I would have to return to Monkey Mountain and go to Tai Po along Tai Po Road.
This would mean going on the road which carries heavy goods vehicles, buses and cars all travelling at high speed.
I was wondering if the Government would allow cyclists who fulfil certain criteria, for example, own their own bike, wear a helmet, apply for a permit, to be able to ride in the wonderful facilities that they have created, or are we - the public - cyclists going to be banned for life from enjoying the clean air and beautiful countryside.
Could they tell me at least which paths cyclists are banned from and which paths we can ride on? PETER EMMETT New Territories