HONG KONG'S first sex selection baby will be a boy and is due on October 28, the controversial Gender Choice Centre has announced.
Since it opened nearly one year ago, the clinic has faced strong opposition from politicians, medical experts, and pro-life and women's groups.
But come next year, the clinic's controversial methods are likely to be controlled by a code of conduct and licensing body introduced by the Government.
The Gender Choice Centre's sister clinic in London celebrated its first birth last March. The first 18 births were deemed a success.
But in the most recent, a mother of five boys who used her entire savings of $35,000 in the hope of having a daughter gave birth to son number six.
After giving birth to a 3.5-kilogram boy, Cheryl Berryman, 31, said: 'I really hoped it would be a girl and was very upset. But then they handed him to me and I saw how beautiful he was and I felt a little bit better after that.' The Department of Health later warned other couples about the clinic's claims that it could help couples produce children of a desired sex.