MORE Sino-British meetings on the Court of Final Appeal Bill are needed as soon as possible, said Executive Councillor Denis Chang Khen-lee.
He said it was 'counter-productive' for the legal profession and the Legislative Council to continue arguing over the number of overseas judges to be allowed to sit on the highest court.
'If we stick to one aspect forever, there will never be any development.' The pace of talks should be increased so the final version of the bill could be put before the community, Legco and the legal profession as soon as possible.
With the full bill in place, they would be able to judge if the set-up of the court was soundly based, he said.
The British side had proposed to the Chinese at last month's Joint Liaison Group (JLG) plenary session that more expert meetings be held in order to speed up the work.
Director of Administration Richard Hoare said last Thursday that officials had handed in replies to the eight questions China had raised during the JLG meeting.