LANE Crawford yesterday opened its latest venture - a 'corporate gifts' showroom, ideal for executives who want to give their customers little knick-knacks to remember them by.
For instance, a $1 million crystal fountain; or a crystal globe - a snip at $1.8 million.
Or, if you're a cheapskate, a Mikitmoto gold-plated - gold-plated, note - key ring for $160.
The idea is that an executive can walk in and say: 'I want to br . . . err, bring my client a great gift costing about $50,000' and the Lane Crawfordettes will present a range of gifts that fit the bill.
Most of it is fairly obvious stuff. Blotters, for instance - just the thing for those who still write with a brush or quill pen.
And lots of big crystal ornaments, such as a large abstract Steuben crystal mobius prism for $89,000.