Laws cover cross-border waste disposal
In response to Michael Lewis's letter ('Draw up delta refuse strategy', April 5), it has been the general approach internationally for individual jurisdictions to properly treat and dispose of their waste at the place of generation. That is, each jurisdiction should have its own means to manage the waste it generates, including household waste.
Trans-boundary movement and disposal of waste collected from households in the international arena is subject to the Basel Convention, which requires the prior consent of the importing jurisdiction before the trans-boundary movement of waste can take effect.
China is a signatory to the Basel Convention, which is also applied to Hong Kong.
Both the mainland and Hong Kong authorities have implemented the Basel requirements through national and local legislation, respectively.
Under the national law of China, the import of any waste for disposal is prohibited. The prohibition applies to Hong Kong under the 'one country, two systems' structure.
On the Hong Kong side, export of household waste is subject to control of the Waste Disposal Ordinance, Cap. 354, which limits the control authority from permitting the export of such waste unless the importing jurisdiction gives consent.