Claws must be sharpened to keep Lion City in the running
SINGAPORE Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong recently delivered a warning on the problems his government faces in preventing manufacturers from moving to countries with lower overheads and a larger supply of labour, citing European electronics giant Siemens as an example of a company shifting its base.
He said a chill went down his spine when he was told Siemens would be investing S$1 billion (about HK$5.26 billion) in China and nothing at all in Singapore, and that the company planned to establish its regional headquarters in Beijing.
But he was quickly contradicted by Heinrich von Pierer, president and chief executive officer of Siemens, who said the company would continue to invest in Singapore, with about $300 million committed over the next few years.
He denied that Siemens had plans to establish a regional headquarters in China.
Mr Goh may have chosen an inappropriate example, but his message was still relevant.
Last month, French multinational Thomson Consumer Electronics announced that it was closing down its colour television manufacturing plant in Singapore, prompting one of the biggest retrenchments seen in the island republic in recent years.