Suzanne Syz
Exhibition of 30 pieces of haute couture jewellery by the Swiss designer. Today, 11am-7pm, Ben Brown Fine Arts, 301 Pedder Building, 12 Pedder St, Central. Inquiries: 2522 9600. Ends today
Circus-themed works by seven artists (Vladimir Kush, Daniel Peacock, Nathan Ota, Bob Dob, Olgierd, Dark Vomit and Pete Ross). Opens today. Today-tomorrow, 6.30pm-9.30pm, Zetter Picture Framer Gallery, LG/F Hoseinee House, 69 Wyndham Street, Central. RSVP is required. Inquiries: 9301 0896. Ends tomorrow
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
Exhibition of more than 200 objects and documents that serve as an introduction to the influential physicist's life and times. Mon-Wed, Fri, 1pm-9pm, Sat-Sun, 10am-9pm, closed Thu, HK Science Museum, 2 Science Museum Rd, TST East, HK$30. Inquiries: 2732 3232. Ends Aug 31