A website set up by a mainland-based internet company on which Civic Party vice-chairman Albert Lai Kwong-tak debated Hong Kong issues, including the court case that has delayed the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge, has been shut down barely two days after it opened.
Lai, who set up the page at the invitation of micro-blog company Tencent, was supposed to have had an online debate with Beijing loyalist Lew Mon-hun, when the page was closed without explanation.
'My brief adventure lasted for 54 hours after 10 postings,' Lai said.
He opened the account at about noon on Sunday and got a call from the company at 6pm on Tuesday telling him that it had to be shut down.
A Tencent insider said it had been done on 'superior orders'.
As well as the bridge case, Lai had posted articles on the conservation of Hong Kong heritage including King Yin Lei mansion in Stubbs Road.