Members of the Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) have long recognised the importance of sales skills in building a successful business and, through their annual awards, have given a lead in raising standards and promoting excellence in the profession.
This year's awards, the 43rd, organised by the association's Sales and Marketing Executives' Club (SME), once again proved a big hit.
The level of interest and involvement, with 178 individual participants representing 62 different companies, was higher than ever. And, just as significantly, the overall quality seen in the written submissions, presentations and interaction with the judges offered an impressive display of all-round sales skills and professional expertise.
As a result, a total of 143 entrants won awards. Divided into two main categories, 107 received the prestigious Distinguished Salesperson Award (DSA), while 36 were recognised with the outstanding Young Salesperson Award (OYSA), which is reserved for contestants younger than 25 years of age.
'All these people can regard themselves as winners,' says Phoebe Chow, chairwoman of the SME Club, who was especially pleased to see 18 new companies from a range of industries nominating staff for the first time this year. 'The awards bring recognition and benefits for the salespeople, but also for employers by setting high standards, inspiring improvement and boosting morale.'
Chow explains that the main rules of the competition allow companies - of any size and in any sector - to nominate a maximum of five employees. Those individuals then submit their written entries, outlining their professional responsibilities and reasons for taking part, plus setting out their ideas and opinions on a set theme.