The latest version of Sony's portable gaming console is no longer called the PSP. Introducing Vita: while it looks pretty much the same as its predecessor, the Vita comes with many of the features that were missing from the original.
First off, there is the 5-inch multi-touch display, which is significantly wider than the original. As anyone who has played Cooking Mama on an NDS knows, the ability to interact with the screen during game play adds an extra dimension to the fun, and allows for new types of games. With Vita, that experience is available from the PlayStation platform.
To give you an even more touchy-feely experience, the Vita also incorporates a new multi-touch pad located on the back, which allows you to interact further with games using your fingers as they hold the device on the back.
Adding yet another dimension to gaming, the Vita also comes with a six-axis motion sensing system so games can be played by tilting and shifting the Vita around.
The third big addition to the Vita is mobile connectivity. Although the PSP had built-in Wi-Fi, the Vita now comes with 3G, which means it can connect to the internet and other gamers, from anywhere, and at any time.
To support all the souped-up features, the Vita is powered by an ARM Cortex-A9 chip with 4 processing cores, and a dedicated SGX543MP4+ graphics processor.