
Now behind the camera, actress has operatic story to tell

As a beauty queen and actress in the '80s, Olivia Cheng Man-nga has had her time in front of the camera - long-time fans will undoubtedly remember her 1986 appearance as cover girl for the Hong Kong edition of Playboy magazine. Having since turned golf-pro and instructor, Cheng has also started spending time behind the camera, adding photography to her bag of tricks.

Two weeks after the opening of her Chinese opera photo exhibition at Lee Gardens, Cheng launched a second photo series of the same theme at Langham Place on Tuesday. The second series runs until Wednesday. An avid enthusiast of all forms of Chinese opera, Cheng said she had scoured theatres in Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai in the past year to capture the beauty of the art form through its costumes, performers and their gestures.

During the opening, Cheng shared welcome news of her mother's recovery from ill health. Cheng said she liked the idea of having her mother as the subject of her next photo series.

'For portraiture, I think the lines on an older person's face are really beautiful; they tell of experience, of life's challenges met and bested. It would be a joy to photograph my mother; of course, I'm waiting till she is totally well again.'
