In Hong Kong, music education is still largely the domain of children from wealthy families. For those in low-income households, music lessons are often unaffordable.
'It's a luxury to learn music. A piano lesson can cost from HK$500 to HK$1,000 an hour depending on the teacher's experience,' notes Kelvin Lau Ho-hin, 20, a fresh graduate of St Paul's College.
He should know. Kelvin has sung in choirs since the age of six and even conducted his school's senior choir. He has learned music from well-known professionals.
'It's not because I've done anything to deserve [music education]; it's just because I was born into a [well-off] family,' he says. 'It's not fair that some children are not given the chance to hear music or to learn to play music and sing.'
So in January he founded the Hong Kong Virtuoso Chorus (HKVC), a non-profit choir with young musicians ranging in age from 16 to 23. Supported by Lion Club Central, the group now has 50 members, all of whom have extensive music training and stage experience.
'I want to gather a group of young talent that will not just perform on stage,' Kelvin says. 'Rather, we will use our music to create opportunities for all children to experience music.'
He has contacted some local schools for underprivileged children and offered to help organise school choirs and music lessons for students.