Smartphone photography comes of age with SoHo exhibition of HK vistas
With the iPhone being the dominant smartphone in Hong Kong, this was bound to happen: an exhibition made up entirely of photos snapped, and edited, by the iPhone.
Titled Kinky Vicious and running at the Culture Club Gallery in SoHo until October 15, the exhibition features about 20 lush images of the harbour, skyline and various parts of the city taken by photographer and journalist Liam Fitzpatrick.
Aside from the vibrant colours - in part the result of skilful lighting and partly helped by an iPhone photo-editing app - what stands out in these photos is their unrealistic, depopulated depiction of Hong Kong.
Fitzpatrick said that was partly inspired by early 19th-century photos of Hong Kong, back when the cameras weren't sophisticated enough to capture the speed of human movement, which left the photos of streets looking like a ghost town.
Like most Hongkongers, Fitzpatrick originally snapped these photos for fun, but when he received positive feedback on the photos on Facebook, he decided to display them for an exhibition.
'I'm very passionate about photography and I wanted to show that these photos could be just as luminous and rich on paper as they are on screen,' he said.