Look around and you'll probably find you're blessed to be surrounded by remarkable women. They include your own mother, whose unconditional love makes all things possible; female colleagues, who remain unfazed in the face of work and family problems; relatives fighting illness; and friends who show everyday courage as they cope with single motherhood.
This magazine pays tribute to these women. In the following pages you will learn about the progress that Hong Kong women have made in the past few decades and what needs to be done to further promote and support them. We also explore ways working women can manage high-powered careers and family life.
We feature 25 women in the Hong Kong community who are role models for aspiring females and a source of inspiration for the public. At the top of their fields, these women have scored firsts or broken new ground. Many have made a significant contribution to society, while most have overcome great odds to achieve their goals. Given the limited space, we only have room to portray 25 of many outstanding women. There will be ones who are equally, if not more deserving. We hope that the stories will offer food for thought, or even a few lessons that will help you reflect on your work and life.
Let's celebrate women's achievements together and be inspired.