Our editors will be looking ahead today to these developing stories ...
Tony Chan makes final bid to appeal probate verdict
Self-styled fung shui master Tony Chan Chun-chuen makes an application to the Court of Final Appeal to hear his appeal against the Nina Wang Kung Yu-sum probate verdict. The move follows the unanimous rejection by the Court of Appeal in April of his application for permission to appeal, which reaffirmed the finding by the Court of First Instance that a will he claimed bequeathed him the entire estate of the late Chinachem tycoon was a forgery.
Wal-Mart stores to reopen - with complaints offices
The 13 Wal-Mart stores shut down for labelling regular pork as organic meat are due to reopen, the Chongqing Business Daily reports. Each will have a consumer rights protection office, staffed by Wal-Mart employees and officials from the municipal consumer rights committee, where customers will be able to file complaints if they encounter problems while shopping.
Mental health law among drafts to go before NPCSC
The 23rd session of the 11th National People's Congress Standing Committee opens in Beijing and runs until Saturday. Several draft laws will be reviewed by national lawmakers for the first time, the most notable being the draft of the country's first mental health law. The draft, published in June, aims to improve protection of the rights of mental patients and would ban compulsory mental health check-ups. Under it, mental health examinations would only be done at the voluntary discretion of the patient or their guardian.