Every group has a leader. Some are less obvious than others, but whenever even two people are together, one usually dominates the other. As groups become more organised, their leadership is more visible.
Leadership styles will differ from group to group, depending on how much say members have in the day-to-day operations.
Countries work in the same way; an authoritarian regime will allow its citizens very little say in how things are run. In a free country, they have a lot to say. When people can choose their leaders and accept or reject their government's ideas, this is called 'democracy'. Let's look at how it works.
A constitution ...
A constitution is a set of rules that defines a country or organisation by stating what it believes in and represents. It can also keep the power of the state in check, helping to protect the fundamental rights of citizens.
Constitutions exist across a wide range of governments, from constitutional monarchies to direct democracies. A constitution guides the ruling parties, elected by the majority, in making decisions. It also encourages a division of power, avoiding abuses such as a leader having too much control.