Extra year a waste for some pupils
I have been teaching English (not on the native English-speaking teacher scheme) at a lower-band school in Hong Kong for 12 years.
Unfortunately, the new 3+3+4 system is now beginning to bear fruit. That fruit is wasted opportunity and wasted time.
The reality of the situation in a classroom of 40-plus pupils is that some are academically unable and some are not interested.
The assertion in your (How We See it) editorial that the new system 'makes sense' ('Exodus over exams is overreaction', November 2) is not correct.
The system only makes sense if we look at secondary education in Hong Kong as being solely a route to university.
Pupils who are not academically able or not academically interested are forced to waste an additional year (largely spent in learning how to do exams) in secondary school instead of being encouraged to join the workforce or to undertake practical/vocational training courses.