The Real Katie Lavender
by Erica James
Orion (e-book)
The Real Katie Lavender begins with a death, not the last to afflict James' colourful cast. Katie Lavender's mother has died and left her a strange inheritance: a letter. This reveals that her father ('the best father you could ever have') was not her biological parent - that honour goes to a rich semi-scoundrel, Sterling Nightingale. Aware of his paternal claims, he created a trust-fund for Katie and she is now legally able to receive it. Curious as a cat, Katie is too smart and self-confident to let the revelation undermine her sense of self. So she does the Shakespearean thing, dons a disguise (by accident) and spies on the family. The revelation of Katie's true identity doesn't disturb her so much as the Nightingales - who are further rocked when Sterling's business partner (Neil) commits suicide. All manner of secrets flutter to light: affairs, romances, and fortunate adoptions that allow hunky cousins to become hunky boyfriends. This is part romantic comedy, part tale of family dysfunction. - imagine Jilly Cooper crossed with Jonathan Franzen. It is also charming and great fun. Perfect for those end-of-year blues.