The spokesman for US businesses in Hong Kong says a shortage of international school places could become a 'deal breaker' for expatriates considering a move to the city.
American Chamber of Commerce chairman Rob Chipman believes that the city is set to see more foreign nationals looking to settle and live here.
'The long-term trend is very steady and clear. It's a net inbound on the international side. It's not going to turn around,' he told the South China Morning Post.
But he warned Hong Kong was in danger of being a victim of its own success as a lack of international school places could see businesspeople shun the city.
'If you can't get your kids to the right schools, forget everything else. I don't care if you give me a free place or if the area is like Hawaii every day,' said Chipman, who runs a relocation business.
The chamber recently urged the government to establish a permanent committee to draw up long-term plans to ensure access to high-quality education for expat children.
Chipman said the committee should report to the chief executive, bypassing the tangle of red tape.