Police in New York have launched an investigation into an incident involving two off-duty Cathay Pacific staff.
An aviation insider confirmed that the episode involved a man and a woman staying at the New York Marriott near the Brooklyn Bridge, one of two hotels Cathay uses for crew accommodation in New York.
The exact details of the incident are unclear, but it is understood to involve a sexual assault and to have taken place in the past few days.
The woman reported the incident to police.
'The company takes the matter seriously and we are providing necessary and appropriate support and care to those impacted,' said a Cathay spokesman. He said the company would co-operate fully in any investigation.
A front desk manager, as well as a security officer from the Marriott in Brooklyn, refused to confirm or deny the incident.
The Aircrew Officer's Association, the trade union for Cathay Pacific pilots, also recognised the incident, saying: 'Both employees have requested their privacy be respected while the investigation is allowed to run its course.'