Luxury fashion houses are moving beyond clothes, handbags and shoes to homeware as consumers demand the same quality and attention to detail for their houses.
In its latest furniture collection unveiled at Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan, Hermes expanded on works created in collaboration with minimalist designer Jean-Michel Frank in the 1920s and 30s.
Designed by Italian architects Enzo Mari and Antonio Citterio, and Rena Dumas Architecture Int?mrieure - established by the late wife of former Hermes CEO Jean-Louis Dumas - the collection reflects Hermes's understated philosophy and intricate craftsmanship.
'We have to change, but we have to be aware of our past,' says artistic director Pierre-Alexis Dumas (son of Jean-Louis and Rena). 'That's our strategy - to reinvent ourselves and not forget our roots.'
Meanwhile, Altfield in Hong Kong has started stocking classic fabrics from the Loro Piana Interiors Collection that are made using the same exclusive fibres and select materials that characterise Loro Piana clothing and accessories.
Loro Piana co-chairman Pier Luigi Loro Piana says the Loro Piana Interiors fabrics were created to enable customers to 'furnish and 'dress' interiors with the same refined quality and attention to detail as they dress themselves'.