Tomorrow: Canadian Chamber of Commerce: 'Educating today's boys to be tomorrow's leaders'. Kinwick Centre, Central.
Tuesday, April 10: Hong Kong Securities Institute event: 'Introduction of stock index futures on BRICS markets'. HKSI Training Centre.
Thursday, April 12: British Chamber of Commerce breakfast: 'The latest development strategy in Guangdong and its implications for Hong Kong'.
Friday, April 13: Canadian Chamber of Commerce: 'Automating your business with cloud computing - reduce IT infrastructure cost by 70 per cent'. Kinwick Centre, Central.
Wednesday, April 18: British Chamber of Commerce: 'Captains of industry luncheon with Charles Li, chief executive, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing'. Hong Kong Club.
Canadian Chamber of Commerce event: 'A diamond investment workshop: An insider's perspective'. Kinwick Centre, Central.