Aries March 21 - April 19
Love or friendship pops up in the most unlikely of places - and for you, this happy bonding time has something to do with a school project. Be a good team player. Doing that seems to bring you closer to the person or group you've wanted to connect with for some time. Be sincere, honest and straightforward and, whatever you do, don't become involved in petty, pointless gossip.
Taurus April 20 - May 20
Even the most confident people want to fit in - somewhere. You'll be dealing with the complex game of 'being part of the crowd' right about now. Whether you're comfortably centred in a close-knit group or running around on your own most of the time, there's an opportunity to jump right into the social action. Accept invitations and make an effort to get to know someone new.
Gemini May 21 - June 20
Your past seems to be catching up with you in the form of phone calls or visits from long-lost friends, memories of happy (or sad) times, or perhaps even just a family reunion with distant relatives. Wise people say that we should live in the now, because the present is all that matters. But there is nothing wrong with remembering your past, because it helped to build who you are now.